Interview a Kubernetes Engineer

By Aizhan Azhybaeva July 5, 2023

Interviewing a Kubernetes engineer requires a thoughtful and structured approach to assess their skills, experience, and compatibility with your organization’s specific needs. Below are some key steps and sample questions to guide you through the interview process:


Familiarize yourself with Kubernetes and cloud-native concepts to better understand the role’s requirements. Identify the specific skills and experience you are seeking in a Kubernetes engineer, such as containerization, cluster management, deployment strategies, networking, and troubleshooting.

Resume and Experience Evaluation

Begin the interview by discussing the candidate’s previous roles and experience with Kubernetes. Ask about the size and complexity of the Kubernetes clusters they have managed. Inquire about their involvement in designing, deploying, and maintaining Kubernetes-based applications. Assess their experience with Kubernetes tools and technologies, such as kubectl, Helm, and Istio.

Technical Proficiency

Evaluate the candidate’s knowledge of Kubernetes architecture, components, and best practices. Ask technical questions related to pod management, deployments, and services in Kubernetes. Inquire about their experience with Kubernetes networking and how they handle service discovery and load balancing.

Troubleshooting and Problem-Solving

Assess their ability to troubleshoot and resolve common Kubernetes issues, such as pod failures or resource constraints. Ask about their approach to diagnosing and resolving performance bottlenecks in a Kubernetes cluster.

Scalability and Performance

Discuss their experience in scaling applications on Kubernetes to handle varying workloads. Inquire about the strategies they use to optimize resource utilization and application performance.

Security and Best Practices

Evaluate their understanding of Kubernetes security practices, such as RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) and Pod Security Policies. Inquire about their familiarity with industry best practices for securing Kubernetes clusters and applications.

Automation and CI/CD Integration

Ask about their experience with automating Kubernetes deployments and updates using CI/CD pipelines. Inquire about their use of GitOps principles for managing Kubernetes configurations.

Collaboration and Communication

Assess their ability to work collaboratively with development, operations, and other teams. Inquire about their experience in documenting processes and providing clear communication to team members.

Problem-Solving Scenarios

Present real-world scenarios related to Kubernetes management and ask how they would handle them. Evaluate their ability to think critically, make informed decisions, and prioritize tasks under pressure.

Cultural Fit and Motivation

Assess their passion for cloud-native technologies and staying up-to-date with the latest Kubernetes developments. Inquire about their interest in contributing to the organization’s goals and values. Remember to provide the candidate with an opportunity to ask questions about the role, the team, and the organization. Interviewing a Kubernetes engineer is not just about evaluating their technical skills but also understanding how well they will fit into your team and contribute to the organization’s success.